Rating: Transsupportive, Queer Crimson Diaries, February 14, 2025, (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action)
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The active trans erasure happening at the Stonewall Inn, and what we can do about it
The Queer Crimson Diaries Feb 14, 2025
Yesterday, The National Park Service casually scrubbed all mentions of the word transgender from their Stonewall Inn website. Below is the comparison from 2 days ago and today.

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Yeah its bad. The Trump admin is scrubbing any and all mentions to “gender ideology” as they call it on all government websites. Even after a federal judge legally told them, hey put these websites back up, they put their own tacky warning on the websites. ( Ill[sic] save you the details on that, its bad as all hell.) Lets talk about this blatant erasure and what we as a community can do.
Why is this happening?
The answer to this question I feel like is one that doesn’t have a uniform answer. As in when asked, most people in the community will give you variations of an answer, but they all have the same central theme:
The right hates trans people and want them all erased from public life.
This along with many other erasures at departments like the HHS, DOD, DHS, etc. is just an extension of that overall goal. It is a scary thing to watch as a trans person and, to me and to others, is one-to-one following the playbook that the Nazi’s did in the early to mid 30’s.
(Source: CBS News) We all know what happened with Magnus Hirschfeld and his research. It was incinerated by the Nazi’s after they went on their research destroying spree. I, and most others in the queer community fear that the same thing is happening right now with the purging of these websites. Which leads me to my next point,
What can we do about this?
Well, a lots[sic] already being done. The ACLU is already challenging the Trump admins unconstitutional policies and is actually nabbing a few wins. That’s all well and good, but there’s more that can be done. We can stand up in protest for our rights, like the 50501 protests happening. [sic]we can boycott companies like Twitter and show Elon that we aren’t going to put up with his bullshit. (Also, Twitter is just legitimately bad.) we can just live out loud to spite these horrible and toxic people to show them that we’ve been here for generations and we’re not going to go down without a fight.
Like the old saying goes: We’re here, and we’re queer.
We as a community have been through too damn much for this to destroy us. We can and will come back from this and we will come back stronger
This sounds hella cliche, but I feel like the cliche is necessary.
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