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Global Resistance to Anti-gender Opposition: Overview

Rating: Transsupportive, Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice, October 11, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action)

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See also: Executive Summary, Full Report

Global Resistance to Anti-gender Opposition

LGBTQI+ Activism in Colombia, India, Kenya, Peru, and Serbia

“Global Resistance to Anti-gender Movements” is a collaboration between LGBTQI+ activists in Colombia, India, Kenya, Peru, Serbia, and the United States through surveys, focus groups, and community scholarship. All around the world, the majority is experiencing the impacts of fundamentalist, conservative, fascist, nationalist, white supremacist, far-right, anti-gender, and anti-rights forces. The growing anti-gender movement and fundamentalist opposition to LGBTQI+ rights across the globe present activists with concerning new challenges and opportunities for collaboration.

While opposition to LGBTQI+ rights and life is not new, the multiple, overlapping crises facing the world are breeding a deepened network of actors with agendas of domination that targets LGBTQI+ populations. Despite differences and nuances in nomenclature, it is clear that these opposition forces are gaining power and influence, have multiple manifestations and strategies, are building alliances across their differences, and targeting women, LGBTQI+, and other oppressed peoples in an attempt to gain power and control.

In order to disrupt the varieties of opposition, LGBTQI+ movements need sustained, long term, well-resourced tactics and strategies that are context-specific.

When asked what would make resisting the opposition much easier and more successful, LGBTQI+ activists shared four main areas of need:

1. Financial resources
2. An enabling environment
3. Additional skills, knowledge, and strategies
4. Strong movements and inter-movement solidarity

The current landscape of fragmentation across social movements indicates the need to explore alliances that go beyond identities to prioritize ideology. It is an opportunity to explore the vast territory of commonalities they share with those who also refuse to accept a world order based on domination and exclusion, regardless of who is included or excluded.

The global LGBTQI+ movement is countering the cisgender heterosexual patriarchal opposition with multiple tactics and on many fronts. Many LGBTQI+ formations, such as those in Colombia, India, Kenya, Peru, and Serbia, are building work that goes beyond narrowly defined agendas and are fighting back and building possibilities for queer futures.

Our mission is to fuel local and global movements that shift power to LGBTQI+ people and organizations pursuing social justice and human rights. We do this by providing support in the form of grantmaking, philanthropic advocacy, communications, and capacity building.

116 East 16th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10003
P: 1.212.529.8021 | F: 1.212.982.3321 | info@astraeafoundation.org | www.astraeafoundation.org


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