Category: CNN

  • Supreme Court’s transgender care fight creates conservative ‘reckoning’ over parental rights

    Update: Action Alert: Petition U.S. Supreme Court to Support Adolescent Gender-Affirming Care Rating: Transneutral, CNN, November 27, 2024 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) More Info: Families Split Apart: Families Fleeing Anti-Trans Laws File Amicus In Supreme Court Case Action Recommendations Content Summary Supreme Court’s transgender care fight creates conservative ‘reckoning’ over parental rights By John Fritze, CNN…

  • Media Rankings for November 2023

    Here at, we review a lot of media stories that address gender issues each month. For each story, we provide a rating of “Transsupportive”, “Transneutral”, or “Transphobic”. These labels make it possible to perform an article count for each media source that gives a sense of how to rank them from most transsupportive to…

  • Vatican rules some transgender people and babies of same-sex couples can be baptized

    Rating: Transsupportive, CNN, November 9, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Vatican rules some transgender people and babies of same-sex couples can be baptized By Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN 3 minute read  Published 6:52 AM EST, Thu November 9, 2023 This aerial photograph shows St Peter’s dome at the Vatican…

  • Definition of ‘infertility’ updated to include LGBTQ+ couples

    Definition of ‘infertility’ updated to include LGBTQ+ couples

    Rating: Transsupportive, PinkNews, October 26, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Major medical group update definition of ‘infertility’ to include LGBTQ+ couples A major medical association has updated its definition of ‘infertility’ to include LGBTQ+ couples. (Pexels) A major medical group has updated its definition of “infertility” to be more…

  • Wisconsin Rep Neubauer: Anti-Trans Bills

    Wisconsin Rep Neubauer: Anti-Trans Bills “Will Not Become Law,” Veto to Come

    Rating: Transsupportive, Erin in the Morning, October 12, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Wisconsin Rep Neubauer: Anti-Trans Bills “Will Not Become Law,” Veto to Come On Thursday, the Wisconsin Assembly passed three bills aimed at transgender individuals in the state. Two of these bills seek to ban transgender athletes…

  • Media Rankings for August 2023

    Here at, we review a lot of media stories that address gender issues each month. For each story, we provide a rating of “Transsupportive”, “Transneutral”, or “Transphobic”. These labels make it possible to perform an article count for each media source that gives a sense of how to rank them from most transsupportive to…

  • US judge's school privacy ruling allows transgender bathroom use based on gender identity

    US judge’s school privacy ruling allows transgender bathroom use based on gender identity

    Rating: Transphobic, Fox News, August 11, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Video archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary US judge’s school privacy ruling allows transgender bathroom use based on gender identity A U.S. District Court judge Thursday blocked implementation of a new Idaho law that would prevent transgender students from using restrooms, locker rooms…

  • CNN fact-checked by Community Notes for report that transgender patients ‘have no regrets’ about ‘top surgery’

    Rating: Transphobic, Fox News, August 10, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Video archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary CNN fact-checked by Community Notes for report that transgender patients ‘have no regrets’ about ‘top surgery’ CNN was fact-checked by X’s Community Notes after it cited a study claiming “[t]ransgender and nonbinary patients have no regrets…

  • Transgender and nonbinary patients have no regrets about top surgery, small study finds

    Rating: Transsupportive, CNN, August 9, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Video archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Transgender and nonbinary patients have no regrets about top surgery, small study finds Some arguments in favor of laws that restrict gender-affirming care claim that patients may some day regret any irreversible or semi-irreversible part of their…

  • Media Rankings for July 2023

    Here at, we review a lot of media stories that address gender issues each month. For each story, we provide a rating of “Transsupportive”, “Transneutral”, or “Transphobic”. These labels make it possible to perform an article count for each media source that gives a sense of how to rank them from most transsupportive to…