Category: heroes

  • Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma!

    Rating: Transsupportive, Assigned Media, November 14, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma! Nov 14 In North Texas, Max Hightower will resume his role in the school’s production of Oklahoma! Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports Disney is allowing janitorial…

  • Brayland Brown: Gender Hero

    Transgender activist, co-founder of The Smile Group, and Board member of Transinclusive Group.

  • Transgender Awareness Week: Trans rights under attack. What’s next?

    Rating: Transsupportive, USA Today, November 14, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Video archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Transgender Awareness Week: Trans rights under attack. What’s next?USA TODAY Transgender rights are under attack. But trans people ‘just want to thrive and survive.’ David Oliver USA TODAY Distilling a community down to one word is…

  • Gender Justice: Gender Hero

    Organization that seeks to “harness strategic impact litigation, legislative advocacy, and education to push the law forward when it comes to gender equality”.

  • Brittany Stewart: Gender Hero

    Senior staff attorney at Gender Justice who went on record opposing transgender health care ban in North Dakota in 2023 and who, in 2010, was the first out transgender Oklahoman to run for political office.

  • North Dakota judge denies temporary halt to transgender health care ban for children

    Rating: Transneutral, INFORUM, November 13, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary North Dakota judge denies temporary halt to transgender health care ban for childrenINFORUM North Dakota judge denies temporary halt to transgender health care ban for children Three families and a pediatrician suedthe state on Sept. 15, saying the ban…

  • Marlon Wayans: Gender Hero

    Comedian, actor, and screenwriter in the United States who has publicly supported his transgender child.

  • Marlon Wayans Revealed His Son, Kai, Is Transgender

    Rating: Transsupportive, BuzzFeed, November 12, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Video archive 1) (Video archive 2) (Video archive 3) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Marlon Wayans Revealed His Son, Kai, Is Transgender “This is beautiful, man.” by Chelsea Stewart BuzzFeed Staff🔥View 47 comments Marlon Wayans opened up about his son Kai’s transition in a new interview on The Breakfast…

  • Vatican rules some transgender people and babies of same-sex couples can be baptized

    Rating: Transsupportive, CNN, November 9, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Vatican rules some transgender people and babies of same-sex couples can be baptized By Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN 3 minute read  Published 6:52 AM EST, Thu November 9, 2023 This aerial photograph shows St Peter’s dome at the Vatican…

  • Vatican says it’s permissible for transgender Catholics to be baptized

    Rating: Transsupportive, Associated Press, November 8, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Vatican says it’s permissible for transgender Catholics to be baptized In the United States, the national conference of Catholic bishops rejects the concept of gender transition, leaving many transgender Catholics feeling excluded. On Wednesday, the Vatican made public…