WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

Category: Trans Safety Network

  • Mapping the transphobia/far-right Twitter nexus

    The convergence between “gender critical” anti-trans activists and the far right is becoming increasingly apparent. Posie Parker’s Let Women Speak rallies are attended by anti-abortion campaigners and Sieg Heil-ing Nazis. The LGB Alliance have found a new home at 55 Tufton Street alongside neoliberal and climate-misinformation think tanks. And fascist group Patriotic Alternative (PA) have been leading anti-drag protests. Rating: Transsupportive, Medium, May 23,…

  • The Real Gender Cult (Terf Reich PT8)

    In the wake of Kellie Keens Antipodean mis-adventure running out of road in Aotearoa/New Zealand in the most humiliating way (covered in cold soup) her little cult of conspiracy theorists regrouped in London today in speakers corner to show some solidarity for their own vacuous cause. Rating: Transsupportive, Medium, April 2, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML…