WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

Logan’s Trans March: A Look at 31 Trans-masc Films and Media

March 31st is the recognized day of Transgender Visibility, and this one is the first I’m able to celebrate as an out trans man. To commemorate this, I decided to look into myself in my favorite medium second to writing — film. I’ve heard up and down, left and right about movies and their depictions of trans women- I got thirty minutes into a hate-watch of “The Danish Girl” before rage quitting, so we’ll categorize my general knowledge there as “not great, mostly negative outlook”- but going into March, I realized I could count on one hand the number of movies I knew of that depicted men like me, regardless of quality. Thus, I compiled a list (that can be found for reference here) of 31 movies that in some way depicted trans men, from the early 20th century to now.

Rating: Transsupportive, Medium, June 26, 2019 (PDF archive)



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