WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

  • Students First California: Gender Villain

    Organization in U.S state of California whose president is Jonathan Zachreson and board member is Jay Reed and which supports anti-transgender state ballot initiatives in the Protect Kids California coalition for the November 2024 election.

  • Maplewood Richmond Heights School District denounces new transgender athletes law

    Maplewood Richmond Heights School District denounces new transgender athletes law

    Rating: Transneutral, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 28, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Maplewood Richmond Heights School District denounces new transgender athletes law Jack Suntrup JEFFERSON CITY — Maplewood Richmond Heights School District administrators on Monday called a new state law restricting transgender athletes discriminatory and didn’t shut the door…

  • Chloe Cole: Gender Villain

    Chloe Cole: Gender Villain

    A detransitioner who is in bed with transphobic conservatives who want to pass anti-transgender laws, such as participating in the Protect Kids California coalition sponsoring anti-transgender ballot initiatives in 2024 in the U.S. state of California.

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