WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

  • Proud Boys: Gender Villain

    Proud Boys: Gender Villain

    Right-wing extremist organization that pushes anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric at school board and city council meetings in the United States.

  • Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma!

    Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma!

    Rating: Transsupportive, Assigned Media, November 14, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma! Nov 14 In North Texas, Max Hightower will resume his role in the school’s production of Oklahoma! Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports Disney is allowing janitorial…

  • ‘Transgender’ Baptisms? Sorting Out the Vatican’s Recent Statement

    ‘Transgender’ Baptisms? Sorting Out the Vatican’s Recent Statement

    Rating: Transphobic, National Catholic Register, November 14, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary ‘Transgender’ Baptisms? Sorting Out the Vatican’s Recent Statement| National Catholic Register If you’ve been watching the news, you were likely surprised to see clickbait headlines from mainstream outlets like The Washington Post proclaiming: “Vatican says transgender people…

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