WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

  • May you never know the fear…

    May you never know the fear…

    Making the rounds of the interwebs… Rating: Transsupportive, September 2, 2023

  • Ken Paxton: Gender Villain

    Ken Paxton: Gender Villain

    Attorney General of the U.S. state of Texas who in 2022 issued a directive to investigate all parents of transgender youth for child abuse, an action that nearly resulted in these children being removed from their families, although it was halted by the courts. Paxton was acquitted by the state Senate following a two-week impeachment trial…

  • Marsha Blackburn: Gender Villain

    Marsha Blackburn: Gender Villain

    U.S. Senator and chief sponsor of Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) introduced in February 2022 and reintroduced in May 2023 who said the bill is intended to “protect minor children from the transgender [sic] in our culture”.

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