WARNING: Among posts supportive of transgender people, you may encounter transphobic items intended to assist in research and action to prevent transphobia.

  • Anti-trans prison housing bill raises alarms

    Anti-trans prison housing bill raises alarms

    Rating: Transsupportive, The Capital Times, November 7, 2023 (PDF archive) (HTML archive) (Take Action) Action Recommendations Content Summary Anti-trans prison housing bill raises alarms Rylee Jenich spent 10 years incarcerated in various Wisconsin men’s prisons. For the last six of those years, Jenich — a trans-feminine person who uses they/them pronouns — publicly identified as…

  • GenderMenace.net Media Rankings for October 2023

    Here at GenderMenace.net, we review a lot of media stories that address gender issues each month. For each story, we provide a rating of “Transsupportive”, “Transneutral”, or “Transphobic”. These labels make it possible to perform an article count for each media source that gives a sense of how to rank them from most transsupportive to…

  • Gender Awards for October 2023

    Gender Awards for October 2023

    Thanks to all of you who voted in the GenderMenace.net Gender Awards poll for October 2023. We have tallied your votes and would like to announce the winners! Gender Hero Winner Ryan Clancy Gender Villain Loser Mike Johnson and Kelly Johnson Gender Waffler Loser Tricia Cotham This Month’s Poll To see the GenderMenace.net Gender Award…

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